
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Naps, muscles, and spells...

Nap-time is sacred! To me it really is! I will even admit that on occasion I have been known to take the phone off the hook. When the afternoon rolls around, I mean with all my heart that two little ones are going to go in their rooms, lay in their beds, stay there, and hopefully go to sleep. At that time, I am going to go in my bedroom take a very deep breath, sit at the computer, read, have my devotion, and enjoy the silence. Very, very seldomly do I actually sleep, but just the time alone does wonders for my sanity! Some days lots of days unfortunately I also have to take care of things that are not so much fun such as pay bills, etc. etc. Anyway, like I said, nap-time is serious business for me! I NEED it! My family needs me to have it! BUT lately John Luke is not feeling the same need. We are working on this small issue. If things don't turn around soon, me and Mr. "I'm not tired" are going to have a "come to Jesus meetin'!"
Although me and John Luke are not seeing eye-to-eye right now on the nap situation, in all other areas he is a super sweet boy! He really does have a sweet spirit and I'm really thankful for that! {His sister---let's just say---is another story!} It seems that in the last few months they have started to actually enjoy one another. It is fun to watch them "play". And the strangest thing is not only can they play but they can also fight like you wouldn't believe!
Now the "not so sweet" little girl I mentioned earlier is also a "she-man"! She is a pee-mite in size, but her attitude is huge! And her muscles are even bigger!
She is literally pulling him across the floor!
This would belong to the "not so sweet" little girl. There has never been any truer words!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the sky?
I heard an encouraging speaker the other day {during the infamous nap-time!} As wife and mother we are constantly serving our families. It can sometimes be a struggle. Nancy Leigh DeMoss says, "You are never more like Jesus than when you are serving."


Lynn Castleberry said...

I bought the exact same shirt for Madison. So true!!! She is also not a napper. That word is not even in her vocabulary. I can't believe how big they have gotten Beth. Beautiful family!!

Lynn Castleberry said...

OH, how did you get your recent visitors in that format? With their header pic showing?

Beth said...

Lynn---I have NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess it just did it! Sorry! I'm no help! THis computer stuff is way beyond me!